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A New User Perspective Survey from Flow Research
We have already completed a User Perspective Survey on Steam Flow Measurement.
The purpose of the survey was to find out what types of flowmeters are
being used to measure steam flow, what changes end-users are expecting to
make and why, and to identify end-user needs and expectations. This end-user survey is the only one of its kind, and provides some real
insights into changing trends in steam flow industries and applications.
It is available as a companion piece to the full steam flow study.
Overview of Steam Flow Study (HTML) Founding Sponsor Program (HTML)
of Steam Flow Study
Table of Contents, User Perspective Survey (PDF) Founding Sponsor Program (PDF) EZ Order Form (PDF)
Research has completed a User Perspective Survey on Steam Flow
Measurement. The survey was done in
conjunction with the study The World Market for Steam Flow Measurement. The purpose of the
survey was to find out what types of flowmeters are being used for steam
flow, and what changes to expect in the next several years.
The survey also reveals why end-users are making the decisions they
are making about steam flow measurement. The
User Perspective surveys are part of our Worldflow Monitoring Service (www.worldflow.com).
These surveys are conducted
periodically when additional information is needed about user purchasing
patterns and requirements. In
this case, the survey is being used as another perspective from which to
evaluate steam flow measurement, and as a cross-check of the supplier data
for the steam flow study. It
will also be helpful in the growth forecasts. In
addition to the User Perspective surveys, Flow Research has also conducted
two comprehensive user surveys involving users of all types of flowmeters.
The second of these was published in January 2006, and included 586
respondents. The results of
this study were made available as a study called Worldwide
Survey of Flowmeter Users, 2nd Edition.
More information is available on our website at http://www.flowresearch.com/User_Survey/welcome.htm. In
addition to end-user surveys, Flow Research interviews flowmeter users on
an ongoing basis. Some of
these interviews have been conducted for our quarterly publications.
As a result, we regularly update our knowledge of what flowmeter
users are saying and doing about different flow technologies.
This information is used in growth forecasts, and in understanding
market dynamics. Topics
Included in Survey
following are some of the subjects included in the steam flow end-user
survey: · Line sizes of steam flowmeters · Steam flowmeter applications · Types of steam being measured (wet, saturated, superheated) · Volumetric vs. mass flow measurement of steam · Accuracy requirements for steam flowmeters · Drivers of accuracy requirements · Types of primary elements used with DP flowmeters measuring steam flow · Prospective changes in primary elements · Prospective changes to other flowmeter types · Repair and maintenance issues for steam flowmeters For information on The World Market for Steam Flow Measurement, see the Overview of Steam Flow Study, or click on one of the other files in the table above. Flow Research has completed a series of twelve studies that include all types of flowmeters. Information about these studies is at http://www.flowresearch.com/flow.htm. This new study will go beyond previous studies by providing updated information to 2006, and by comparing the different technologies as they are used for steam flow measurement. This study should be of special interest to any manufacturer of flowmeters used to measure steam flow, and to companies that use flowmeters to measure steam flow.
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Flow Research, Inc. 27 Water Street Wakefield, MA 01880 (781) 245-3200 (781) 224-7552 (fax) info@flowresearch.com |